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Oct 27-28 – III Conference on Ruminant Medicine of the Canary Islands – ULPGC – in memoriam Marco Suárez Marín

Welcome to the veterinary conference, Marco Suárez Marín. For those who didn't know Marco, his perfect word was passion. He loved his profession, his cows, his farmers, his colleagues... and he always helped and advised them, applying all his knowledge and if I may say so, there were not a few. From passion and the desire to contribute, from professional growth, these conferences arise; enjoy them as he would have liked. oh


By Mark!

Eduardo Alonso Suarez
Suarez Marin Family

III Jornadas de Medicina de Rumiantes de Canarias – ULPGC – in memoriam Marco Suárez Marín


III Conference on Ruminant Medicine of the Canary Islands, ULPGC., in memory Marco Suarez Marin



27-28 October 2017.

Place of celebration: Veterinary Faculty of the ULPGC and Agricultural Farm of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

Friday October 27, 2017

“Practical session. Diagnosis by imaging of the respiratory system of the calf.

4:00 p.m.-Opening session and deliver of documentation

4:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.- Veterinary Practice Sessions. For Veterinarians and Students Degree in Veterinary Medicine of the last year. LIMITED CAPACITY*

Description of the techniques and their equipment: ultrasound, endoscopy and thoracoscopy. Carolina Tejero (Veterinary Advisor), Natividad Pérez (European University of Madrid) and Iñaki Espinosa (Clinical Veterinarian)

Necropsies of calves with pulmonary symptoms. Juan Vicente González (Complutense University of Madrid)


To register for practices send an email (one per registered) and PUT IN SUBJECT: "STUDENT PRACTICE REGISTRATION - VETERINARY") to the address Between the days 1 and October 20. On October 20 at midnight the registration period will close. The places will be raffled among those signed up.

List of attendees according to draw.

4:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.-Practical session for Ruminant farmers. Visit to the facilities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine where you will be able to learn about the different services offered to Island Livestock. Coordinated by Raquel Betancor (Clinical Veterinary).

Saturday October 28, 2017

“Theoretical session. Advances in the diagnosis and management of SRB”

9:00 a.m.: Opening and delivery of documentation

9:30-10:15 a.m.: Necropsy as the Gold Standard for the diagnosis of SRB. John Vincent Gonzalez

10:15-11:00 a.m.: Diagnostic value of chest ultrasound in SRB. Carolina Tejero

11:00-11:45: New diagnostic tools in the SRB: thoracoscopy and lung biopsy. natividad perez

11:45-12:15: Early control of SRB with minimal antibiotic therapy: temperature-based metaphylaxis. Susana Astiz (INIA)

12:15-1:00 p.m.: Coffee. Organized by final year students: "End of degree trip"

1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.: Collaborating laboratories exhibitions: Boehringer, HIPRA, ZOETIS and MSD

14:00-14:30: The “anti-charla”, dedicated to our friend Marco. Angel Revilla (MSD, AH)

14:30-15:00: Several in Memoriam Marco Suarez Marin. Organizers, family and friends

15:00-15:30: Closing ceremony


Write an email with the subject "Veterinary Registration" or "Student Registration course X" or "Livestock Registration" until the day October 25, 2017 to

organizing committee

Link to the news

Photos of the event:

III Jornadas de Medicina de Rumiantes de Canarias – ULPGC – in memoriam Marco Suárez Marín III Jornadas de Medicina de Rumiantes de Canarias – ULPGC – in memoriam Marco Suárez Marín III Jornadas de Medicina de Rumiantes de Canarias – ULPGC – in memoriam Marco Suárez Marín III Jornadas de Medicina de Rumiantes de Canarias – ULPGC – in memoriam Marco Suárez Marín III Jornadas de Medicina de Rumiantes de Canarias – ULPGC – in memoriam Marco Suárez Marín