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Start » News » Oct 6 – 12:30 p.m. – Aula Magna – Talk Experience in GREFA

Oct 6 – 12:30 p.m. – Aula Magna – Talk Experience in GREFA

We invite you to the talk entitled "Experience in Grefa" that will take place on October 6 at 12:30 p.m. in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, which will be given by veterinary students Marta Barra Ginés and Alejandro Santana Rodríguez, beneficiaries of the I AVAFES CANARIAS SCHOLARSHIP FOR STAYS IN A WILDLIFE RECOVERY CENTER, which Avafes Canarias in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine took out for the first time last February 2017.

Marta and Alejandro enjoyed a four-week stay at one of the most prestigious wildlife recovery centers in Spain, GREFA. It will be very interesting to hear from them the opportunity that Avafes Canarias has given them, their learning and anecdotes from the experience during the month of August.

With initiatives of this type, Avafes Canarias and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine promote complementary training in medicine for wild animals and raise awareness of the importance of the role of the veterinary professional in the world of conservation of wildlife and the environment.


[button id=»» class=»» size=»medium» font=»18″ align=»left» link=»» linkTarget=»» color=»#eeeeee» bgColor=»dark »]Link to the GREFA website[/button]