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10 Nov. Diversity-Disability Conference

From the Directorate of Student Services and Psychosocial Care we remind you that on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the ULPGC every year organizes Conferences on Disability aimed at raising awareness, reportscartel jornadas dis 2016tion and reflection on this subject, especially when the increase in students with disabilities who access our university is a verifiable reality.
For this reason, the Office of the Vice President for Students and Employability is preparing some actions to be carried out in the physical space of the Obelisco Campus area.

Specifically, it is a meeting for NOVEMBER 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., where tents will be set up so that different social organizations (ONCE, COCEMFE, etc.) offer information on disability, while they would carry out some practical mobility activities to involve the interested parties in tests and demonstrations.

We call for the participation of students and teachers where, for a few hours, the transversality approach in the teaching methodology is possible, close and real.
For this we attach the poster announcing the event.

For any question or clarification, you can contact:

The Director of Student Services and Psychosocial Care (María) –

The Social Worker (Loli) –