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June 1 – Conference on Professional Veterinary Opportunities “Employ yourself fully in your future”

Veterinary Professional Opportunities Conference

"Employ yourself fully in your future"

June 1, 2017 (Thursday) 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

MAGNA AULA – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the ULPGC


Official College of Veterinarians of Las Palmas

The Official College of Veterinarians of Las Palmas offers 2 hours of free training and information, aimed at students in the last year of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, as well as recent members, and with the objective of contributing to the improvement of the employability of future veterinarians, both through the search for work for others or by undertaking a self-employment initiative.


1. Employment guidance / Active job search.
2. Veterinarian Career Opportunities.
3. Self-employment. Tools to undertake: Acquire entrepreneurship skills.
4. Experiences of veterinary employees and entrepreneurs from the different branches.
5. Question time and closing


• D. Francisco Rodríguez, Manager of the Official Association of Veterinarians of Las Palmas
• Mr. Ángel Ramos, Employability Expert
• D. Javier Hernández, Entrepreneurship Process Facilitator
• Veterinary Professionals from different branches.

Those interested can register by email., indicating the full name, ID, telephone and email.

A certificate of attendance will be provided

Registration Cost: Free.